Getting children to explore new tastes isn’t always easy, obviously it varies from child to child, but you can try lots of different activities to help things along a bit. Sam, Arlo and I were challenged by Organix for the #NoJunkJourney campaign to come up with a recipe of our own that we thought might tempt a toddler.
We decided Smoothie Bowls would be fun, as it gives little hands more access to the thick liquid for dunking and dipping. Sam designed the flavours with two of his favourite fruits and Arlo matched them up with the tasty Alphabet Biscuits from the Organix Goodies Toddler Snack Range.
Saturdays are pretty relaxed in our house these days, we’ve decided against signing up for any fixed activities so we can just all chill out for one day a week. So what better than to prise the boys off their screens and into the kitchen for a spot of smoothie making. Cooking with kids gives them a healthy interest in trying lots of different foods, and it’s something I’ve been doing with the boys since they were tiny. Get tips on cooking safely with kids here.
I decided to make a video of the experience. Naturally there was lots of shouting, fighting over who was doing what and me desperately trying to hold the whole thing together. But because I’ve cunningly sped up the video, the boys sound like delightful little squeaky minions, so you’d have no idea of the squabbling going on. I was going to cut the sound and just leave the music, but it gave us quite a laugh last night so it’s still on!
As you can see it was a pretty haphazard affair, but I think it demonstrates that you can have fun in the kitchen with healthy ingredients.
Feeding Toddlers
Letting toddlers handle food, using their senses to explore the taste, texture and smell is just as important as just eating it. When the boys were tiny, I would just chop stuff up and stick it on the high chair tray in front of them and let them get stuck in. A lot of it would end up on the floor, but the key is to be relaxed about it. As a parent you naturally want to make sure they’re eating enough, but just accept that it might take a few attempts for them to fully embrace certain foods. The key is to keep things light-hearted and fun.
You can head over to the Organix Website for more tips and advice on feeding your toddler.
Mango and Raspberry Smoothie Bowls
Serves 2-4
1 mango, chopped
2 x handfuls frozen raspberries
4 tbsp Greek Yogurt (we used honey flavour)
200ml milk
Put all of the ingredients in the blender (we use the Optimum Froothie 9400 power blender) and BLITZ until smooth.
Pour into bowls and then scatter the tops with Organix Goodies Alphabet Biscuits for dunking, dipping and lots of yummery.
Toddler Snacks Range from Organix Goodies
The boys might not be toddlers any more but they love the packed lunch friendly snacks in the Goodies range. Sam especially loves the Soft Oaty Bars, and Arlo is fond of munching the Mini Cheese Crackers. They both adore the alphabet biscuits and wasted no time polishing them off after we’d filmed the recipe.
What is the Organix No Junk Journey?
Organix are passionate that we take more care with how we’re feeding our children. From paying close attention to food labelling, to making sure that children have a clear understanding about the food they eat, and of course minimising the amount of junk in their diets. You can find out more about the research they’ve done and why I joined the campaign in my blogpost from earlier in the year – Why I’ve Joined the Organix No Junk Journey
Disclosure: This is part of a series of partnered posts I’m working on with Organix to promote their No Junk Journey campaign. It’s an issue I feel strongly about and want to share with you here on my blog.
This blog post contains an affiliate link. I am an ambassador for Froothie Blenders, so earn a small amount of commission if you click on that link and buy a blender. Things like this help me to keep this blog afloat!
How lovely! I would happily gobble one of these up for breakfast 🙂
Same Emily! Thanks for commenting 🙂
Smoothies are a great and fun way to get kids to eat more vegetables and fruit. This sounds yummy!
They were wolfed down pretty quick Jemma!
Such a great way to get the kids involved in the kitchen and to encourage them to eat healthier! Mango and raspberry is a delicious combination 🙂 A great breakfast/snack option for both kids AND adults 😉
Thanks Nadia. Yes I think the boys really enjoyed themselves, and it’d be a good activity when they get in from school and are famished!
What a simple but effective idea – I’m going to try this with my nephew when I’m next on babysitting duties x
I used to make these all the time for mine when they were little. Such a great start to the day, or a perfect snack. 🙂
It’s always a great idea to get kids cooking with you. Yesterday my daughter didn’t recognise sweetcorn in its natural state, i.e. on the cob with leaves. After peeling them she’ll never forget!
This sounds yummy, I do like a good fruity smoothie. Love the idea of using the biscuits as croutons!!