Growing up I was always in awe of my mum’s freezing obsession. She had two ginormous chest freezers that she kept in the garage, full to the brim with trays of fruit, bread, meat, vegetables, milk, cakes… you name it, if she could freeze it, it’d be in there.
I was always slightly scared if she asked me to retrieve the ice-cream as it normally involved practically climbing in. Being quite claustrophobic I had visions of being frozen alive.
She assured me there was a logic to the way she packed the food in, but I can tell you now I never got to the bottom of it. Food can take on quite an alien-like appearance when it’s been in the freezer for a while – if it’s not labelled then it’s a total guessing game. I’ve lost count of the amount of mystery pies and casseroles we tucked into!
Now I have a family of my own I’ve graduated from a tiny freezer compartment at the top of my fridge that barely had room for ice cubes, to a six foot high stainless steel beast.
I cram it with vegetables, batch cooking like bolognese and casseroles, cakes for future cake stalls, mysterious vegetarian fodder that can be shoved straight in the oven and of course ice-cream.
I finally understand my mum’s obsession. If I had the room I’d get a chest freezer too…
I’ve written an article for about the many reasons why you should learn to love your freezer… click here to read it!
Mine’s full of batch-cooked food (mainly chilli, casseroles, lasagne and the like) – and I completely agree with your “mystery foods” comment! I never label anything so it’s always a bit of a guessing game!)
Batch cooking in such a lifesaver – I think I’ll try and do loads over the school holidays so that September isn’t such a shock to the system!
Definitely makes sense! I’ve also got into the habit of buying vegetables such as carrots and parsnips when they’re reduced in the supermarket, chopping and freezing so that they’re ready to add to casseroles as and when they’re needed…love my freezer! 🙂
I knew you’d understand………one day!I just couldn’t manage without my freezers.Super for freezing Seville Oranges when in season so being able to make marmalade all year round.How about plating up complete meals after having a roast, easy meal for another day.
Love it mum – will you write a guest post on my blog? I think my readers would love one of your recipes and some of your wise words 🙂
Nice article Katie. Love all the tips and facts. Batch cooking is a fab idea, especially before our little lady comes along.
Oooh yes stock up that freezer in time for the baby coming – we did and it was such a lifesaver!!!!
We have a tall upright too, not quite as large as my mum’s old chest freezer but much easier to access everything wtihin drawers rather than always being at the bottom of a huge deep pile!
It’s full of raw veg from our own garden, various meat and other ingredients, batch cooked soup and chilli and ragu, home made ice cream, some marrow bones, a huge flap of pig skin someone gave me, and god knows what else.
Actually, we do know, as we have a white board on the front on which we write the contents of everything we put in, wiping off when we get it out…
Loving the white board idea – how pleasingly organised!