Who’s behind the Kent Veg Box Scheme and what is it?
It’s a small, established veg box company that has recently expanded to delivery to all of London as well as their home county of Kent.
All of the veg comes from small Kent farmers, non-organic, and is harvested on Tuesday and delivered by Friday.
Because they have a short supply chain, they are very competitive and claim their prices are even cheaper than supermarkets, let alone the bigger box schemes.
What kind of boxes do they do?
As well as vegetables, you can also get hold of fruit, meat and fish.
What box did I get?
I got the medium veg box with 6 eggs.
Box contents:
6 Free Range Eggs laid in Kent
1 x red cabbage
1 x bag chard
1 massive turnip
3 x parsnips
1 x bunch baby carrots
6 x potatoes
2 x red onions
The equivalent at Sainsbury’s where I normally shop is cheaper at £9.20, but the produce from Sainsbury’s wouldn’t be as big. Some of the veggies were HUGE!
Overall value for money:
It’s cheaper than the other big name veg box schemes, this is also probably because it’s not organic. So yes it’s good value if you can adjust your food shopping budget to sign up for a subscription. They have great offers for new customers who can get a 3 week 50% trial price on the box, so it’s worth checking out their website if you want to get a bargain.
Would I recommend it to a friend?
If a friend was already into the idea of a veg box then yes, but it doesn’t suit everyone to shop like this. It suits people who are passionate about eating seasonally and are prepared to get creative with things like turnips and chard!
I love the fact that the produce is so fresh. Not only will it taste better than the average supermarket version, but chances are it’ll have a longer shelf life too.
The amount of soil on the produce was a bit pesky. I’m all for the straight-off-the-land vibe, but it took me blinkin’ ages to scrub the baby carrots as they’re too small to peel. My dad will laugh his head off at me saying that – what an urbanite i’ve become!
Where can I find out more? http://kentvegbox.co.uk/
Thanks to Kent Veg Box for sending me a box to review.
Hop on over to Fuss Free Flavours to find out what Helen thought of the Kent Veg Box
Gosh, they look like good hearty veggies. i love the amount of mud on them. I think that’d probably send me into soup making mode. If there was a half salad half veg option I think I’d find it more useful but it does seem very cheap for a veg box.