I want to build up a selection of videos showing you first-hand how to make some of my favourite family recipes. I started with home-made pizza, and this week it’s time for the trusty puff pastry tart to make an appearance.
It really could not be any easier to put together… and here is the video I made to prove it.
I based this tart on my recipe for the Quick goats cheese tart – so do click through if you want to print the recipe out for cooking later.
Here are some other puff pastry tart ideas (not quite as speedy though) i’ve put together for the blog over the years which are pretty lovely too:
Butternut squash, bacon and parmesan
Leek, sweetcorn and goats cheese
Roasted tomato with goats cheese and pesto
Long live the speedy tart!
If you like my videos then please do sign up to my YouTube channel, leave a comment, like and share… it gives me a warm glow 😉
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