To celebrate Easter, the UK’s leading supplier of dried fruit Natural Selection have given me this rather marvellous baking hamper to give away to one of you lucky lot.
Here’s what you get:
3 x packs of Chopped Apricots
3 x packs of Dried Cranberries
3 x packs of 5 Fruit Mix
3 x packs of Crystallised Ginger
3 x packs of Cinnamon Cranberries
3 x packs Chopped Dates
2 x packs of Crimson Raisins
1 x Natural Selection branded apron
1 x rolling pin
You’ll also get a copy of Great British Bake Off How to Bake
If you’re interested in stocking up on dried fruit you can ‘Like’ Natural Selection Foods on Facebook, where you’ll be able to take advantage of an exclusive offer – there’s a coupon that people can print off the page allowing them to save £1 on bags of product in the range at ASDA and Sainsbury’s.
You can also find some great Easter recipes using the Natural Selection range over on Holly Bell’s fabulous website Recipes from a normal mum. If you’ve not checked out her blog before, I’d really recommend you do, as the GBBO finalist has some inspiring stuff and down-to-earth chat.
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i bake a simple chocolate sponge but decorate it with chocolate mini eggs.
I bake Easter biscuits with my children and they decorate them with icing and silver balls, sprinkles etc! Afterwards we hang them on our Easter tree! (In the house of course!)
I love to bake a lovely chocolate sponge..with cream filling covered in chocolate and lightly dusted with icing sugar and decorated with cadbury mini eggs 🙂
Healthy Muffins – from the Nigella website – as an antidote to all the chocolate that’s around. The children love making them and we all like eating them!
Fantastic prize, my wife would be thrilled
gingerbread bunnies
I love to bake banana cake with chocolate icing. It sounds sickly but its delicious.
cut and come again cake
I love baking muffins, and might try experimenting with some new variation this Easter
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chocolate shortbread
Simnel cake. mmm
I love baking hot cross buns at Easter.
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I love making chocolate nests using melted chcocolate and shredded wheat and then filing them with mini eggs!
Hot cross buns – a bit fiddley but much better than the shop bought ones.
I love baking cup cakes.
I only started baking last Autumn so this will be my first Easter baking goods, but I’ll definitely be trying Hot cross buns. I also want to make some little personal chocolate cakes for everyone to enjoy.
I love Easter baking, especially hot cross buns but with chocolate chunks instead of fruit. Also chocolate cornflake cakes topped with mini eggs.
I always make a lemon drizzle cake at easter and its become a family tradition with my sister making a lemon meringue pie.
Time to try spiced ginger shortbread this year I think!
I love to bake chocolate cornflake cakes topped with mini eggs for easter! 😀
love baking cupcakes
Nigellas shredded wheat Easter nests – the healthy option until you get carried away and add lots of mini eggs nom,nom,nom 🙂
Try to make my own, spicy hot-cross buns, to eat on Good Friday
I love making easter spice biscuits usually in the shape of bunnies 🙂
a easter cake with chocolate mini eggs on the top
My 3 year old is currently obsessed with the gingerbread man so this is the rave at the moment 😉
I love making easter nests with mini eggs on top 🙂
Hot cross buns 🙂
I love chocolate rice krispie nests, simple but delicious and my 3yo can very nearly do them by herself
My daughter is a young leader at the local Rainbows so we love to plan easy cakes to make which the rainbows have so much fun in decorating.
Simnel cake delish!
Hot X Buns 🙂
Cornflake Crispies
chocolate fudge cake
I like to bake gooey triple chocolate brownies (as if everyone hasn’t already had enough of chocolate!)
hot cross buns
My favourite has to be making cupcakes with the grandchildren so they have something to give thier Mum and Dad at easter.
I love to make a Carrot Cake and decorate it with Easter Bunnies
I’ll be making a fruit cake covered in marzipan which is quickly grilled for a couple of minutes until lighly golden brown yummy!
Easter themed biscuits
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Simnel cake! A family favourite 🙂
biscuits/cakes/buns with the left over chocolate!
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hotcross buns lovely 🙂
I am thinking of trying to make hot cross buns this easter-never done that before! Other than that, my son loves to make the usual chocolate cornflake cakes!
hot cross buns!
We love making lots of easter biscuites
Hot Cross Buns
I like to bake rice krispie cakes with the kids
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I love to bake Easter biscuits – well help my kids to bake them …I`m usually in charge of tidying up! Xx
I love the chocolate eggs
I love baking cupcakes with my little girl at easter, and decorating them with tiny yellow chicks
Biscuits or cupcakes.
Hot cross buns
hot cross buns!
simnel cake yummy xxxxx
we love baking chocolate cupcakes with smarties and chocolate buttons on top!
It’s a toss up between making hot cross buns which are one of my favourite things ever or making easter nests with my children
Easter Biscuits
Choc brownies
nests with shredded wheat and mini eggs- the kids love them!
I bake Easter biscuits with my children and they decorate them with icing
Siminal cake forus
Anything that involves cadburys mini eggs! lol. A must have at our house every easter has to be mini egg nests though, made with shredded wheat 🙂
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Simnel cake. mmm
Simnel Cake Love it!
Hot Cross Buns
I love to bake shortbread biscuits into cute shapes then decorating them 🙂
Thank You for a great competition 😀
hot cross buns and scones
Simnel cake – my family love me making this
hot cross buns!
cake with crushed mini eggs running through em, a secret filling of cadburys cream egg filling running through the centre,
Easter chick-shaped cookies 🙂
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I like to bake easter cupcakes, with green buttercream that looks like grass with 3 chocolate eggs on top, yum!!
looooove carrot ake, so will be attempting one of these and trying cupcakes with my son 🙂
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emma walters xx
Raspberry muffins made by my wife too good to just have just one
Hot cross buns – freshly baked – doesn’t get better than that
As Grandaughter now 3, this year have been baking with her. Anything with an Easter theme, like bunny cookies and chicken nests. Has been fun.
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pastel cupcakes
Easter chocolate nest cakes 🙂
A traditional Simnel cake here, only have it once a year, Easter isnt Easter without a simnel cake 🙂
I like baking hot cross buns except they go so quickly!
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Chick shaped biscuits for the children to ice
Google Reader – Michelle Grundy
Cakes and more cakes
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Easter Cookies, Shaped like eggs and decorated.
i bake chocolate bunnies,with icing,i give them out to the neighbours sometimes.
Chocolate cornflake cakes with mini eggs on top!
Just realised my chocolate cornflake ckaes don’t need baking, lol, so I would say fairy cakes with mini eggs on top, yum!
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Chocolate chip hot cross buns
hot cross buns
Cupcakes galore any flavour will do, but usually it’s lavender with sugared violets atop 🙂
I love making cupcakes and decorating them with a birds nest (made from crunched up shredded wheat mixed with melted mars bars or chocolate) with a couple of mini eggs in them 🙂
Hot Cross Buns !!!
I bake every Sunday with my 9 year old daughter. Today we are making cornflakes chocky nests with little eggs and chicks to decorate!
we make gingerbread bunnies and eggs x
Hot Cross Buns
Easter cookies, we make them in the shapes of bunnies and chicks and then ice them
I love to make cupcakes.
Carrot cake
I haven’t made it yet, but I saw a really cool recipe for a chocolate cake with mini eggs on top. Looks good!
I’m going to try hot cross buns this year as well as family favourite, carrot cake
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Not very easterish I suppose, because it’s a favourite any time, but Mary Berry’s Sunday Best chocolate cake.
Cinnamon cranberries sound divine 😛
It would have to be Easter Shaped Biscuits, so my little boy can ice them and decorate them how he wishes 🙂 it’s messy but so much fun!
Chocolate muffins are my favourite thing to bake
I bake a sponge pudding with “Hot Cross Buns” flavourings in it.
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Easter biscuits in bunny and chick shapes. @01592_katie
Bread and butter pudding made from hot cross buns and chunks of chocolate !! Mmmmm deeelish
Chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing and mini eggs on top.
Hot Cross buns…..I love them
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I make my own version of bread and butter pudding using hot cross buns.
Nice Prize Love to win
Its not actually baked more melted(!) but I love Nigella’s malteser bake at Easter.
If I could, it would be hot cross buns 😀
My favourite thing to bake is scones!! mmm especially with jam cotted cream, yum yum
From being a small child i always use to make a simnel cake every Easter with my nanny, sadly she died 11 years ago but im pleased to say its a tradition i have carried onward and hope to do so for many years
A chocolate sponge topped with mini Cadbury eggs 🙂
Hot Cross Buns
chocolate chip cookies with mini easter eggs on top
Strawberry and white chocolate muffins.
I love baking Hot Cross Buns (and eating them)
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I don’t know if you can really call it baking but at Easter we love making Chocolate Cornflake nests. It’s the most fun for the kids and really simple
Me and my son make nest cakes with shredded wheat or rice crispies 🙂
Apple bread with lots of sultanas and cinnamon.
Simnel Cake – but i’m the only one in myt immdeiate family that likes it ;))
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Easter baking is a joint effort with my 2 boys (so nothing too tricky lol) we are going to make marshmellow and rice krispy cakes but in a tray, and chocolate rice krispy cakes also in tray, when cool we are going to cut out bunny and chick shapes. The boys will then decorate them with chocolate buttons sprinkles icing opens, in their own unique style. Pop them into gift bags for them to give out at easter. Looking forward to it! xx
chocolate spounge pudding
i love to bake little mini chocolate cakes which my 3 boys decorate and everone gets one after our easter lunch
Simnel cupcakes with chocolate eggs on top, they always go down well :o)
chocolate muffins
Love all the easter goodies!
Hot Cross Buns
Hot Cross Buns
we always end up with fruit that’s a bit past it’s best. Bananas will be made into Banana cake.
Choc-chip oat cookies.
we love baking gingerbread
Asparagus quiche
Decorated cupcakes
Love making Easter Biscuits using easter cutters. Decorating with some lemon icing! x
I love baking easter cupcakes for the children to decorate.
My kids and I love to bake easter nests.
cupcakes with easter eggs for the kids
I would like to say hot cross buns but I’ve never attempted them, so it has to be Easter cupcakes with mini eggs and sprinkles
The classic that is rice crispie cakes topped with mini eggs.
Easter themed cupcakes.
I bake hot cross buns and cupcake which my kids kid decorate with easter themes. We have great fun making them and even more fun eating them.
chocolate rice krispie cakes with mini eggs
Much as I love the smell of hot cross buns, I don’t like the taste so my easter treat would just been cornflake cakes with mini eggs. I would of course ‘accidentally’ leave far too much ‘leftover’ in the pan!
Following your blog on google, Hazel Wright.
A Russian Easter cake (kulich), the aroma is incerdible when you bake it. Thank you!
A traditional Simnel cake
I love making mini egg chocolate cake, its delish
My favourite thing to bake is my famed lemon poppy loaf. Is so light yet so rich…………….. mmmmm
Easter nests. Crushed up shredded wheat covered in melted chocolate topped with mini chocolate eggs
i love to make hot cross buns 🙂
We make hot cross buns & easter nests
Its the old school rice krispie cakes with a sugary shedded wheat nest in top and some mini eggs
Me and my 2 children always bake in the Easter holidays (I think we will do it this afternoon as the weather is so bad) we will we be making gingerbread men with a selection of sweet treats for e.g. smarties, gumdrops and different coloured icings. yum yum ;}
banana and choc chip muffins with some lemon icing
cornflake cakes with mini eggs on
hot cross buns. x
Chocolate Easter nests
I love making little fairy cakes topped with bunnies and chicks made out of fondant icing.
Any kind of crispy cake filled with mini eggs, rice crispies and marshmellows. Simple but delicious and great fun for the kids!
I love making almond biscuits at Easter 🙂 x
It has to be Simnel cake – an Easter favourite, and absolutely delicious to boot 🙂
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Hot cross buns 🙂
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My favourite thing to bake at Easter is gingerbread bunnies! I have some great cutters of big bunnies with big floppy ears (all the better for biting off … nom nom nom!!!)
Hot cross buns for my family!
Bad Hot Cross Buns– I burn them to death
Cupcakes, then have a competition who decorates them the best!
Chocolate cornflake “nests”
Easter Biscuits
simnel cake
Hot Cross Buns
Definitely Hot Cross Buns
lotta biscuits
Hot cross buns are our favourite
I am making shortbread in egg and bunny shapes!
Chocolate cake with mini eggs on top.
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Easter egg nests!
I love making hot cross buns..
Cup cakes
I’m not a great cook at the moment, so cocopop cakes with mini eggs 🙂
We baked carrot cupcakes and decorated them with micro-eggs to leave out for the Easter Bunny and Easter Chick!
The traditional Simnel cake
Bread and Butter pudding, made with hot cross buns.
Chocolate cupcakes topped with white chocolate icing and a mini egg
hot cross buns
I love to bake easter nests. Rice crispy buns with mini eggs in 🙂
I like to bake a lemon drizzle cake, and ontop of the lemon icing place some mini creme eggs
Simnel Cake with lots of marzipan on top
Hot Cross buns
I love baking hot cross buns at Easter.
My favourite thing to cook at Easter is little chocolate Easter cupcakes, decorated with mini eggs 🙂
We bake nothing special at Easter – just the same stuff we bake the rest of the year.
Chelsea buns – I’ve got a great mix I make in my bread maker and the smell of the spices and fruit while they are rising/cooking is amazing.
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Victoria Sponge
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Fairy cakes with mini eggs on the icing. Scrummy mmmmm
Broken Shredded wheat in melted chocolate stir well put into bun tins hollow middle slightly fill with mini eggs Easter Nests
Hor cross buns
Simnel cake – hard work but worth it!
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Lemon drizzle cake
Simnel cake and Easter nests with the children.
Hot Cross Buns
At Easter for a family get together I make a HUGE Victoria Sponge
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chocolate crispy cakes with mini eggs on the top or chocolate buttons
hot cross buns x
I just made egg fairy cakes, pipe cake mixture into real hollowed out eggs and bake – brilliant for an easter egg hunt!
We love to bake cornflake cakes topped with Mini Eggs!
I like to bake ginger cake and bakewell tarts at easter lovley with homemade custard
victoria sponge with a rich chocolate fudge icing
Cupcakes with mini eggs in the frosting – simple, cute and tasty!
coffee and walnut – mmmm
Carrot Cake – it’s my fav thing to bake at any time and the family love it!
chocolate chip easter biscuits decorated with icing x
Almond macaroons – wheat free and very more-ish!
Those birds nest made out of shredded wheat and chocolate – OMG I love those so much! The mini eggs inside are an added bonus 🙂 @pipersky1 ps. I know this doesn’t go in the oven so may not be classed as baking but its pretty much the only cooking I do at Easter! 🙂
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My favourite thing is making our own easter eggs,not really baking but good fun!
Hot cross buns!!!
Easter cupcakes
We just make a victoria sponge (about the only thing I can make) but use icing to give it a theme
i love to bake hot cross buns at easter, brings back memories of baking with my mum 🙂
Sultana muffins!
Simnel cake
i enjoy making little cup cakes with my daughter and then she decorates them after we have iced them.
Chocolate nests with mini eggs on top.
BIG Chocolate Cake
Mmmmm. Cream teas 🙂
It has to be Hot Cross Buns, a traditional favourite in my family. The smell of them baking fills the house and we can’t wait for them to cool down enough to eat them warm with lashings of cold butter. Not very healthy but definitely an Easter treat 🙂
Totally unoriginal but traditionally the best – chocolate cornflake nests with Cadbury Mini Eggs to decorate, my 3 year old daughter loves making them with me too 🙂
Jamie Oliver’s Hot Cross Bun pudding with marmalade. My husband loves it
i like to get lots of eastery topping like mini eggs and bunny toppers etc and the get the cornflakes and melted chocolate ready put everything on the table and let the kids dig in and make their creation of buns i know its easy but its safe and lots of fun to do together x
I love hot cross buns as make them really sticky with lots of sugar wash yum yum
sticky hot cross buns with lots of fruit and spice served with fresh farmhouse butter
Hot Cross Buns as they are very traditional at Easter and so delicious.
hotcross buns
Hot cross buns and Easter Basets
Hot cross buns
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I like baking Easter biscuits and giving them as gifts instead of chocolate eggs.
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oh it has to be making chocolate easter nests with my son – he loves baking and we have so much fun making these!
the same here blob
Chocolate Cornflake Nests
I make hot cross buns and Easter biscuits
Chocolate easter nests
simnal cake
Lots! This year I did a white chocolate easter cake.
I love to bake Easter biscuits with my grandchildren – in shapes such as chicks, eggs and rabbits
simnal cake
home made hot cross buns
we love making jam tarts !
lemon tart!
I bake arguably the best Victoria sponge in my house – i live alone
Chocolate Brownies
Easter biscuits, so much nicer than bought ones!
Easter buns: chocolate buns with swirl of butter icing on top and 3 mini eggs.
My very own gluten, wheat, egg and dairy free fruit cake and it’s absolutely delicious!
chocolate krispy bites
Chocolate crunchy nests with mini eggs xx
I love to bake banana cake with chocolate icing
Chocolate birds nests! xoxo
has to be gingerbread men 🙂
hot cross buns
I love baking cakes so i would be a great prize to win
Hot Cross Buns
hot cross buns!
hot cross buns
Simnel cake as I love marzipan!
home made hot cross buns
Hot cross buns & rice crispie cakes
Chocolate cake
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hot cross buns
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My favourite thing to cook at Easter is a hot cross bun loaf! a hot cross bun but a loaf instead of buns..yummy, in the spirit of easter but little lighter (as you can have as many or as few slices as you wan)t, a little different arn’t we all?) and goes a little further..(usefull with families!)
Chocolate mini egg cake… one slice is never enough 🙂
Easter themed cup cakes xx the cake fairy does visit us regularly though hahaha
bunny shaped cookies
Hot cross buns
I like making hot cross buns because I can add extra fruit and they are not as synthetic tasting as the bought ones!
It’s not really baking, but I just love to make chocolate cornflake buns with little mini eggs on.
Roast lamb
hot cross buns
Simnel cake 🙂
I love making those little Easter nests out of chocolate and shredded wheat !! I do them with the kids and they love making them – it isn’t Easter until we have made them !!
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a hot cross bun loaf
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I make sponge “nest”, decorated with Easter chicks and mini eggs
Spicy Easter biscuits
chocolate shreddie nests with mini eggs. The children love them!
I like to make mini chocolate eggs with moulds my mum gave me years ago my friends kids love them
shredded wheat and chocolate nests with mini eggs
hot cross buns
Shredded wheat nests with mini eggs kids love to make them
hot cross buns 🙂
Cornflake buns with mini eggs on
Hot cross bund
chocolate cake
Rock buns..
Love this blog & this giveaway is fab.
Love baking chocolate cupcakes with mini eggs 🙂
we made rice krispie cakes with chocolate eggs in
/easter nests – weetabix melted in chocolate .
I once tried Hot x Cross Buns and they were so hard even the birds left them so
ther easter nests are more up my street
Hot Cross Buns…yummy 😀
Biscuit bunnies
chocolate birds nests made with shreddies and mini cocholate eggs with a little yellow chick init
I like to bake muffins
We love to make biscuits cut into bird and bunny shapes and then decorate them with icing and chocolate drops 🙂
I love making Chocolate Easter Nests Cakes with mini-eggs.
It’ a great way of getting the little ones involved in the kitchen and brings the family together to scoff them all afterwards x
Red Cross Buns are fab to bake at this time of year and loved by all the family
Easter Eggs
simnel cake
not really baking, but i always make chocolate crispy nests
Cupcakes decorated with chocolate eggs
carrot bread nom nom
Hot cross buns
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Love hot cross buns.