What do you cook for Christmas lunch when some of your family members are vegetarian? I put this question to the folks at Linda McCartney and they offered to send me out their range of festive products to try.
We had some vegetarian friends coming for Sunday lunch, so it was the perfect chance to carry out a bit of research for the big day to see what might be in the running for the Christmas table.
Vegetarian Roast
It looks like a big sausage – so not that visually appealing when you put it in the oven really. But when you slice into it the ‘meat’ is tender and pretty convincing. It took 55 minutes to cook, and because it’s cooked inside a plastic jacket it retains flavour and a juicy texture.
It went really well with all the traditional roast trimmings, and I made a delicious red onion gravy to go with it.
Mini snack sausages
These were delicious and would again be great as an extra trimming for the roast or to serve as party food over the festive season. Very easy to just bung in the oven and 20 minutes later they’re done.
YOU can win a vegetarian feast from Linda McCartney right here! Here’s what you get if you win:
- 2 x Vegetarian Roast
- 2 x Cranberry & Camembert Burgers
- 2 x Rosemary & Red Onion Sausages
- 2 x Mini Snack Vegetarian Sausages
- Selection of seasonal vegetables
- Bottle of sherry
- A game for the kids
- A carrot for Rudolph
To enter:
1. For your first chance to win the prize please comment on this post telling me what is your favourite vegetarian Christmas dinner.
2. For a second chance to win please tweet this post Win Linda McCartney Christmas vegetarian feast with @cookingkt http://wp.me/pU5T8-11H #win #prize and comment HERE telling me you have done so along with your twitter username
3. For a third chance to win please follow me @cookingkt on twitter and comment HERE to tell me you have done so.
4. For a fourth chance to win please go and ‘like’ Feeding Boys on Facebook, and come back to this page to comment you have done so.
This giveaway is open to all readers with a UK mailing address. The winner will be chosen using an online randomiser and announced in a subsequent post.
I am running this competition on behalf of Linda McCartney who will be sending the prize out to the lucky winner. Their decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
There is one main way to enter and several ways to get bonus entries. You must leave a separate comment for each bonus entry otherwise they will not be counted.
Closing date: 10pm Monday 28th November 2011
Thanks to Linda McCartney for sending me samples of their range
don’t laugh – i like to make rice and beans.
A soft cheese spread with cranberry sauce, topped with a bayleaf and wrapped in puff pastry then baked.
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Favourite veggie Christmas dinner is currently a nut roast spread with a spiced cranberry sauce and then baked in the oven served with all the trimmings (except sprouts – can’t stand them!)
My favourite is a mushroom & stilton Wellington – I make extra & freeze so I can have again (well, if meat-eaters can have turkey leftovers…)
a good old nutroast, with all the veg, tomato soup to start, with french bread, and a lovely sherry, and cheese biscuits
tweeted as @oldwalshy
shared on facebook as @oldwalshy
That vegetarian roast sounds perfect, make that my new favourite!
Goats cheese with a cranberry sauce in filo pastry – can’t beat it.
Nut roast is my fav.
I like all the seasonal vegetables and sauces alongside roasted tofu marinated in ginger, soy sauce, garlic and honey.
I’m following you and have tweeted your competition @ennazus27, thanks
My favourite veggie Christmas Dinner is from a Rose Elliot ‘Vegetarian Christmas’ book and it is a filo streudel filled with mushroom, tomato and cashew nuts and I usually add some Stilton as well
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Parsnips. Seriously. Give me a whole dish of honey roasted parsnips and I’m done for Xmas AND Boxing Day! Oh ok and my special potato and vegetables salad to which I add raisins, apple and walnuts for a more xmassy feel
tweeted as @Bea_aeB
Last year I had pizza! (well, I was working Christmas Day!). I do love making a good filo parcel stufffed with goat’s cheese, sundried tomatoes and basil though for an easy centrepiece to a Christmas meal
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a nice nut roast, with usual christmas dinner veg and stuffing
As a vegetarian amongst a family full of meat eaters I usually bring my own food to my mums at xmas time. Last year however, I was treated to a lovely homemade creamy veg pie, which was amazing and everyone else enjoyed too after seeing on how much I enjoyed it. This year I’ll be trying the veggie roast from LM. And I’ll be encouraging everyone to have a taste of this too. Even if its just one slice 🙂 I’ll have this with all the trimmings, same as everyone else. Stuffing, lots of veg and roast potatoes! P,s I love sprouts!!
I enjoy a quorn roast, roast potatoes, veg and i use a vegetable stock gravey.
I enjoy a quorn roast family dinner, along with roast potatoes, and veg, and i use a vegetable stock gravey.
feeding boys? you should see what my veggie daughter can put away!
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My usual Christmas dinner is mushroom, brie and red currant filo parcels, all the trimmings and apricot and hazelnut stuffing. This year will also be adding the Linda McCartney Red Onion and Rosemary Sausages as they are delish and all the kids love them.
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I made Leek and Mushroom en croute for a vegetarian cousin at Christmas. She loved it and everyone else was eating it too! @RedRoseMummy
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Oh I love some of the many recipes that Linda McCartney cooked up and shares in her recipe books…. particularly the Festive Roast that features in her book Home Cooking. I also add chestnut puree to it. Festive Roast is fab with all the xmas trimmings and great with pickles for Boxing Day.
Hi there, I have tweeted your link on Twitter and now following you on there… Look forward to reading more soon.
My favourite veggie Christmas dinner is nut roast (please don’t groan!) I love it and don’t really bother making it very often – there’s always plenty of people round to share it with over Christmas though.
thank you
My favourite Christmas dinner was roast potatoes, mashed potatoes with a little houmous mashed in, garlic gravy, peas, sprouts, roasted peppers parsnips and onions, mint sauce and cranberry sauce (yep both of them!) and Linda McCartney vegetarian sausages (which our rescued dogs had too, they love ’em!!) and dessert…..swedish glace chocolate, strawberry and vanilla dairy-free ice-cream – deeeelicious:] P.S Might have put some dairy-free thick cream on the swedish glace too……
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My favourite vegan holiday dinner — that’s a tricky one, but it would definitely involve homemade stuffing, beans, and cranberry sauce!
P.S. I liked your FB page.
I’ve been veggie for 10 years now, and have tried all sorts for my meat substitute on Xmas dinners. I have to say the Linda McCartney nut cutlets from about 8/9 years ago were fab, but I haven’t seen them for ages.
I have all the usual trimmings you’d expect (roast potatoes & parsnips cooked in vegetable oil), all the veg, Yorkshire pudding and sage & onion stuffing (not stuffed Ito anything though)! And appple sauce & gravy are a must! (I have tweeted & followed cookingkt too)! (I am @themothergeek) x
My favourite dish to have is my mums vegetable bake 🙂 it doesn’t feel like christmas with out it http://www.hefskitchen.com/2011/05/my-mums-vegetable-bake.html 🙂
Tweeted @hefs_kitchen 🙂
lentil Moussaka – a modified version of Delia’s with Yorkshire pudding and sprouts
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Yeah went to feeding boys and a fire fighter page and liked it, great page as so many of my friends kids have turned veggie lately good tips.
My favourite Christmas dinner is a homemade vegan tart with the traditional festive vegetable roast potatoes, brussel sprouts and a special vegan onion gravy made with the juices of cooked veg. And vegan christmas pudding to follow with homemade vanilla soya custard.
Mm my mouths watering! My fave veggie Xmas meal is a goats cheese cranberry Wellington! Yum yum!
Fan on Facebook also!
Deep Fried Camembert with Cranberry sauce – lovely!!
A couple of years ago had the tastiest curry but am rather partial to roasties so def roast this year!
have never tried vegetarian food for Christmas (apart from the normal veg to accompany *sshhh meat*) so this prize would be a new experience, hope that qualifies me to enter
tweeted @pooohbear2811
I love a nut roast at Xmas, roast potatoes, cauliflower cheese, roast carrots and parsnips and MUST HAVE sprouts.
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nut roast @MummyFever
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My fav veggie Xmas dinner I’m torn on because the carrot and courgette bake my mum makes is amazing but I have to say it’s her veggie lasagne and roast veggies! Delish!
Tweeted. @simply_hayley
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I definitely love my veggie spag bol even for Christmas Dinner 🙂
Bit old skool, but I love nut roast with cranberry sauce. I use a great Cranks recipe…
Tweeted – @mrs_nicholls
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My fave is a layered nut roast made with chestnuts, mushrooms, spinanch and loads more yummy stuff 🙂
I love Goats Cheese and Butternut Roast 🙂
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I love nut roast with stilton sauce and as many veggies as you can cram on the plate! 🙂
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A big Yorkshire pud with veg in the middle
tweeted spaniel01
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Love nutroast with all the trimmings
I love nutloaf with lots and lots of roasted veggies (potatoes, parsnips and jerusalem artichokes from the garden). Also, brussel sprouts with wholegrain mustard and chestnuts.
I love a good nut roast!
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The Crazy Kitchen
My favourite in a mushroom and nut wellington. always a hit with family!
I love a nut roast, roasted parnips and potatos and veg sausage!
Am following and Tweeted @nipperthedog. x
Liked on Facebook – @curly curl.
My favourite vegetarian Christmas dinner is the following:
Garlic and herb crusted roasted potatoes with gravy
Glazed parsnips and carrots
Butternut squash and swede mash
Buttery broccoli and peas
And the pièce de résistance is my mom’s “Glazed Ham” – a roll of Frys Slicing Sausage, baked in the oven with pineapple
Yum! 🙂
I love nut roast with piles of vegetables, sage and onion stuffing and my mum’s delicious roast potatoes smothered in veg gravy 🙂
Have tweeted your link @CornishMaid90
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Nut roast is a yummy alternative!
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Our favourite Christmas dinner is quorn roast (though going to try Linda’s this year now!) Veggie sausages wrapped in facon, sprouts, cabbage, carrots, roasted potatoes and parsnips, mashed potatoes, yorkshires and loads of onion gravy! Yummm! Can’t wait to share it with my one year old this year, my mini veggie 🙂
Have followed you on Twitter @katieljames x
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Sorry to keep entering, but you have set this pregnant Mummas cravings off! Haha x
vegetarian wellington
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It’s only me and my little brother that are vegetarian in my house, so while everyone else has turkey we have a christmas veggie lasagne. Last year I did a wicked asparagus and cottage cheese one.
Mine is a good old nut roast with all the trimmings.
I’ve tweeted @FacelessFood
I alreadt follow you on Twitter @FacelessFood
I use Quorn pieces and make a ‘turkey’ fricasse
My nan was a vegetarian from a very young age. As this was many years ago she had to cook her own vegetarian dishes as there was very little you could buy in the shops. One of my favourite childhood memories is going to her bungalow in the countryside at Christmas as she used to prepare the most incredible shortcrust pastry pie filled with a decicious mixture of potato, peas, spinach in a creamy sauce. I always knew it as ‘nanna’s Christmas pie’
Sadly she passed away before I could get the recipe and despite my best efforts I have not yet been able to replicate it. It makes me feel Christmassy just talking about it.
I’ve tweeted. @ami_ibrow
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defo a nut roast
I must say I do keep it traditional with a west Indian kick.
We have rice and peas, roast potatoes, Yorkshire puds, all the veg (Broc, carrots, brussels)
honey roasted parsnips and roast stuffing .
This sounds really greedy but I cook for a big family, we also have quorn roast, Lindas sausages and mock duck.
A good nut roast is hard to beat.
I follow cookingkt on Twitter – @beachrambler
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Not wishing to be corny, but my favourite Christmas lunch is a Linda Mc roast
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The roast sounds good to me! I normally have a pie with my Christmas lunch but will have to try the roast this year 🙂
I’ve tweeted 🙂 @xKirstx
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Nut roast with all the veg and potatoes as usual.
i have a vegetarian roast, the thing i love most is roasted veg, parsnips,carrots,onions and potatos
tweeted @cachexia1
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liked on fb 🙂 victoria leedham
Nut roast with all the trimmings, including veggie sausages wrapped in veggie bacon!
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I loved the sainsbury’s nut roast I had once, much easier than making it myself too! 😉
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Nut roast with all the veg and potatoes
Last year I made a pie with leeks, potatoes and cheese. I flavoured it with lots of sage and it was delicous.
My favourite vegetarian Christmas dinner is homemade vegetable quiche with new potatoes and peas! I’ve tried nut roasts and the like, but I find them too heavy and have decided that nothing beats a creamy, homemade quiche!
Mushroom and chestnut wellington – it is the best thing i’ve ever eaten full stop! I’m trying to get my wife to make it again this year.
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I am an avid carnivore..but a homemade moist nut roast( with loads of chestnuts) served with a mushroom sauce and seasonal vegetables would win me away from the traditional meaty Christmas dinner .. its super tasty!
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My favourite vegetarian Christmas dinner has veg. sausages, gravy, roast vegetables and a cheese spread afterwards.
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I’ve tweeted @Crosleypup
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Now I’m on my own I have my favourite meal – pizza with mushrooms, garlic & chillis!
I love to make different kinds of stakes. Often with celery, all kinds of nuts and maybe potatoes, or sweet potatoes(or other roots). Serve it with red cabbage, small potatoes fried in sugar and kale cooked with cream.
But I really would love to taste Linda’s roast, it sounds amazing.
Tweeted as @SamanthaMSE
Following as @SamanthaMSE
Some vegetarian sausages would be good with the Christmas dinner
We love Nut roast, roast potatoes, veg, cranberry sauce, mint sauce, gravy…hmmmmmm
Have Tweeted @Nevrandil
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My fav is a chestnut and apple roast:)
have tweeted @kikicomp
We have a mushroom wellington with all the roast dinner trimmings. @wendymcd83
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Mushroom pie!
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We love vegetarian quorn roast. We are a family of vegetarians. I’ve been one for 25 years and so has my husband. Our son Samuel 6 has been since born. I hope Tesco stock some of these new things.
For a third chance to win please follow me @cookingkt on twitter – done @clairew137
For a fourth chance to win please go and ‘like’ Feeding Boys on Facebook – done as claire woods (clairewoods32@yahoo.co.uk)
It has to be good old Nut Roast and all my fav vegetables! – ANd homemade bread sauce!
It has to be a Vegetarian Roast because we all know it is wholesome, nutritious and tastes quite delicious
Filo parcel containing cranberries, risotto rice, asparagus, blue cheese, thinly sliced mushrooms, leeks, butternut squash. Then the usual mashed potatoes, roast potatoes, brussel sprouts, carrots and stuffing. With a thick onion gravy. Scrummy!
Have tweeted as @TheBoyandMe but I have a private account so you won’t see the tweet unless you’re following me. It was this tweet though https://twitter.com/#!/TheBoyandMe/status/138299344674762752
Already following you as @TheBoyandMe
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Thanks for a great competition.
Nut roast with all the usual christmas trimmings
Spanakopita – Greek cheese and spinach pie with Mediterranean roasties, mushrooms a la Grecque and a big ol’ bowl of Greek salad. Yum.
tweeted @essexgirlSE
My veggie Christmas dinner is usually Linda McCartney country pie with all the triimings 🙂
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A nut roast
twitter: josearleyy
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A leek and stilton pie that my mother, bless her, always made. We had a welshman that lived near us who had no family come and spend the day with us so he was never alone and I think she initially made it for him (in some kind of welsh leek stereotype).
It sums up kindness warmth, and most importantly is so cheesy and delicious!
@josearleyy following @cookingkt on twitter 😀
my favorite vegetarian Christmas dinner is
potted stilton with pear and spinach filo torte
have already clicked on like through face book
I am not a vegetarian, however, my eldest daughter, Lisa has enjoyed my vegetarian cooking on Christmas day since the age of eleven (she is now thirtyone.) Her favourite Christmas dishes include home made stuffed mushrooms, goats cheese and savoury custard tartlets, nut roast with cinnamon carrots, brussel sprouts and roast potatoes and any rich chocolate dessert (she has a sweet tooth!) These are just a few of her favourites; the list is endless!
A nut roast, with all the trimmings
got to be a nut roast complemented by lots of roasted veg and plenty of sprouts covered in cheese sauce!
I actually like a roast dinner without the meat – just lots of veg covered in grated cheese!
Filo pastry pie with mushrooms, cheese (not sure which type) & leeks. My mum has made this for me for several years now and it just wouldn’t be Christmas without it now
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curry pot noodle with a sprig of holly on
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All the Christmas vegetables, put together to make a lovely Bubble and Squeak
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My favourite vegetarian Christmas meal has to be my famous home made three cheese and red onion sausages ~ Mmmmm !
I have Tweeted your competition Tweet as @CRYSTALmse
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To be honest I am such a fan of crisp roasted potatoes and all the lovely brussel sprouts, parsnips and swede etc that go with Christmas lunch that I am happy just to fill my plate with all that!
I have tweeted as @auroradreaming
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mmm im feeling hungry now thinking about christmas dinner. my mum makes me a stuffed pepper with rice and cheese and herbs and i have the usual veg and gravy.
well, onion gravy anyway. i’ve tweeted too
and ive followed, because i really want to try this roast! ive never seen it in the shops before.
roast veg
Fried onions, sausages with mashed potato and vegetarian gravy. Big portions too!
Rosemary & Red Onion Sausages – delicious
i love lots of my son in laws home grown veg of all types with some really nice red onion vegi sausages lovely!
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i like to give my veggie family members a stuffed butternut squash, stuffed with jewelled couscous
tweeted! olivia280177
I think you can’t beat a nut roast for ANY occassion! You have to serve it with a huge plate of mixed vegetables (roast parsnip has always been my absolute favourite and my pregnancy craving of 20 years ago!). It also has to have the option of a cheese sauce for the cauliflower and broccolli)
I love vegetable pie for a vegetarian Christmas dinner
Toad in the Hole with veggie sausages. Love the yorkshire
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Walnut, Cranberry and wild mushroom pie served with the usual trmmings
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Mushroom & vegetable pie
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I hate to be dull but I just have extra roasties, sprouts and yorkshire pud! For me, a roast dinner and Christmas dinner is all about crisp, tasty roast potatoes anyway!
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Favourite veggie Christmas dinner is currently a nut roast spread with a spiced cranberry sauce
Have tweeted @12kazuko12
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nut roast & veg
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My vegetarians love stuffed peppers for Christmas dinner
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home made glamorgan sausages, roast potatoes , lots of veg & gravy. Yum.
My favourite veggie Christmas dinner is puff pastry parcel with spinach and ricotta cheese inside, served of course with sprouts and all the trimmings.
starter: carmalised red onion and goat cheese tart
main: home made ravioli stuffed with parmeasan and spicy olive mix
A vegetarian roast is something different that never had the opportunity to eat before so bring it on!
We usually have a quorn roast for christmas dinner surrounded by the usual trimmings, just adapted slightly. Our roast potatoes are done in vegetable oil, our stuffing is gluten free and veggie friendly, and of course we have carrots, mash and sprouts! We also have mince pies but these don’t have any suet in them and I also do a veggie trifle using carrageenan instead of gelatine for those who don’t like mince pies.
Last year though we didn;t have our usual roast, instead I used quorn pieces and made pies of quorn, mushrooms and onion with a soya cream sauce. It was very, very yummy!
have tweeted @piperanddaisy
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Lentil stew with all the seasonal vegetables (although the vegetarian roast sounds very appetising!)
Tweeted the giveaway on Twitter @littlelottee20
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I love a nice spinach pie (savoury) for my Christmas dinner.
A filo parcel filled with whatever mushrooms, dried fruit, herbs and spices I have to hand!
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Stilton and walnut tart with roasted root veg and mash yum yum
Nut roast with vegetable gravy, roasted potatoes and buttered green beans.
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Mushroom Wellington
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Quorn and Nut roast with lots of roasted potatoes and vegetables with lashings of vegetarian gravy
My favourite vegetarian Christmas dinner is Wild Mushroom and Nut Roast, a sumptuous feat of delicious food (chestnuts, mushrooms, marsala bread, and shallots, just for starters!), and guaranteed to please the whole family.
I’ve tweeted the competition message. My Twitter username is @Ianthesunlover
I’m following @cookingkt on Twitter. My Twitter username is @Ianthesunlover
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My Facebook name is: Ian Campbell
For years I used to have Linda MCartneys Chilli Non Carne. Was gutted when they stopped making it, Christmas just isn’t the same. Now I just have something like Enchiladas.
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I love to have a nut roast with most of the usual vegetables, but chestnuts thrown in. I usually top this (apart from the chestnuts, which Iove) with either a little cranberry or mint sauce depending on my mood 🙂
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FB name is Eppy Taff
Carrots in blankets!
The blankets are bored out spuds!
My favourite is my sister-in-law’s home made nut roast with accompanying veg
I’ve tweeted the competition message as @compingstar
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Egg tagliatelle with cream and porcini mushrooms, followed by roast vegetarian sausages with potatoes and, of course!, spouts,